Every fifth snus consumer in Sweden is a woman, about 252 000 women. Many of these women has for some time been looking for a more modern snus.
"Vertigo is specially developed to meet women’s demand for a snus that is similar in character to tobacco and has an attractive packaging with high-quality functions," says Anna Lekander, Press Relations Manager for the brand at Swedish Match AB.
Tripling of female snus users
About 4 percent of the Swedish women use snus daily, while 3 percent are occasional users. 16 percent of the women smoke on a daily basis and 8 percent are occasional smokers. The number of women who use snus has tripled during the past decade and totalled about 252 000 in 2007. Of the female snus users, about 60 percent are former smokers, which is a higher percentage than among snus users in general. The average age is 38.
No "snus lip"
The pouches come in a mini format. Surveys conducted by Swedish Match show that many women do not want it to be noticeable that they are using snus. Vertigo contains 18 pouches. The Vertigo can has an hourglass shape and is deep-red in color. The can is also fitted with a tab to allow snus users to open it smoothly and a disposal lid - where used portion packages can be deposited - is located on the bottom of the can.
"For a long time, female snus users have been considered to be breaking into a male domain and many feel that they are forced to use male snus products. Now were introducing a snus product that has been requested and developed by women," Lekander says.
Caribbean inspiration
Vertigos two flavors - Bahama Velvet and Cuba Gold - are inspired by the West Indian island world and have a mild aroma that resembles tobacco with an exotic touch.
Cuba Gold is more full-flavored, with a sun-ripened tobacco character.
Bahama Velvet has a fresh and gentle flavor, with a hint of sour berries. Vertigo Snus... |