XR General Slim NP
Can: 6.59 5.93 USD
Roll: 55.59 50.03 USD

XR General Slim NP

A tobacco free snus from XR with slim nicotine pouches and a General inspired flavor where bergamot is combined with hints of lime, orange and a light touch of ginger!



Price per Can: 6.59 5.93 USD (30g of which 0g tobacco)
Price per Roll: 55.59 50.03 USD (300g of which 0g tobacco) = 1p
Rolls(10 Cans):
In stock
XR Göteborgs Rapé Slim NP
Can: 6.59 USD
Roll: 55.59 USD

XR Göteborgs Rapé Slim NP

A tobacco free snus for all Göteborgs Rapé fans that has slim nicotine pouches and a nuanced flavor of bergamot topped by hints of lavender and a light touch of blueberry!


Price per Can: 6.59 USD (28g of which 0g tobacco)
Price per Roll: 55.59 USD (280g of which 0g tobacco) = 1p
Rolls(10 Cans):
In stock