Climbing the Corporate Ladder with Snus
I work for an established global pharmaceutical research firm in the Northeast and there is no smoking allowed. My a few of my fellow consultants, despite their Ivy league degrees and expensive suits love oral snuff. The key problem is that we were recently told that the coffee mugs on our desk we used to spit into were unsightly and that it gave off an uncultured and unprofessional image.
An edict came down that it wasn’t just a smoke free environment, but a tobacco free workplace, as many of the smokers decided to raise a stink.
After a long meeting, my senior vice president Paul stepped outside to grab a hunk of Copenhagen Snuf and asked me, “I haven’t seen you dipping in about a month! How did you manage to quit?” I smiled and said, “I didn’t… I’ve been dipping for the past two hours. Even during the meeting.”
His eyes widened and he asked “You mean you are swallowing it? Isn’t that making you sick?”
I handed him an unopened can of Mocca Mandarin mini portions and suggested he toss out his raggedy plastic can of chemicalized American snuff and try them out. I explained how Swedish Snus had approximately 1/50th of the cancer causing agents that American dip possessed. And also told him that due to the lack of harsh chemicals and being fiberglass free, I didn’t need to spit every 10 seconds. I also told him it was about half the price of Copenhagen per can.
He pulled out the chunky nasty wad of Copenhagen and placed two little bags under his upper lip. After a few minutes he told me how nice and refreshing it was. He said thank you and went back to sit in more endless meetings.
The next day, three other highly placed officers in the company came and said they had tried the dip I gave Paul. They each wanted a can from my minifridge and asked where they could get some. I pointed them to and said “Go nuts boys, it’s really the best thing out there.”
Since that fateful day, several people in my office, including one female VP trying to quit smoking have converted to Snus.
Our Chief Financial Officer (responsible for enforcing the tobacco free workplace) had been spending a small fortune on nicotine patches. He came by my office, opened my fridge and pulled out a can of Offroad Strong Cranberry and said “Tommyboy, you know this is a tobacco free office right?” At first I thought I was screwed until he popped a sachet in his mouth and said, “Don’t let anyone see you, Frank said this stuff is better than those patches and gum I buy... and oh send me that link.”
And as for how it affected my career?
Well, Snus brings people together in unique ways. It was my “in” to the “Men's club” and I’m now invited to every Happy Hour and poker tournament they attend. I think continued invitations have more to do with my personability and skill set, but it definitely opened the door to some great opportunities.
So my sincerest thanks to, and the great products you guys carry.
By Tommy C
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