"Taste more than it cost"
From the small town of Vårgårda, situated in the heart of the Swedish province Västergötland, comes Nordic Snus’s flagship LD. A traditional Swedish snus that according to its maker ”taste more than it cost” and we at Buysnus wholeheartedly agree.
LD delivers a sortiment that prioritizes quality over quantity. But that doesn’t mean that theres a lack of variety. The snus from LD comes in several different variants including; LD Original Portion, LD Original White Portion and LD Salmiak White Portion. A blend mainly consisting of three different kinds of tobacco (Rustica, Burley & Kurnool), a few drops of bergamot oil and a variety of natural aromas from the nordic makes the snus from LD a treat for your senses.
With the future in mind
But wait there’s more! LD isn’t just a great snus because of the quality and flavour. LD is also a great snus because of all the responsibility it takes. By working with JTI, Nordic Snus tackles both enviromental and social issues. One example of this is that they’re activily working to diminish child labour around the world by providing these children education and food.
The factory in Vårgårda mainly get its electricity by hydropower from the river Säveån that runs right next to their factory. The rest of the needed electricity needed is bought from other hydroplants. To top that of where Nordic Snus, thanks to their close relation with JTI, a part of the incredible feat of planting 4.3 million trees back in 2016 to stop deforestation.
LD is a solid choice for you who wants a traditional high quality snus at a good price, but also for you who takes pride in knowing your choice of snus helps to create a sustainable future.
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