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Edel Onyx Slim

Edel Onyx Slim

Edel Onyx is a tobacco-free, all-white snus made with the flavors of Swiss mountain herbs and eucalyptus. Extremely high in nicotine (25 mg per gram), Edel Onyx comes with a super strong kick!

Are you curious how to determine the strength of Edel Snus? Quite easy: count the number of solid dots on the lid, as each dot is equivalent to 5 mg of nicotine per gram of filling.

Edel Snus provides great freshness and is 100 % tobacco-free – due to its plant fiber filling. More food-safe ingredients of Edel Snus are water, salt, binding agents, natural flavors, and premium nicotine.

Wondering what is special about the Edelweiss line? Right – the pouches: they are made of cotton for extra stability. Edel Snus is made in Switzerland, with premium ingredients from Switzerland.


Type: All White - tobacco-free
Nicotine: 15,75 mg/portion
Portion weight: 0,63 g
Net weight: 14 g/can


Price per Can: 5.51 EUR Cans:
Price per Roll: 46.87 EUR = 1 Point
Rolls(10 Cans):

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